Gigi and I visited one of her favorite eating spots last Sunday, Amelie's French Bakery in NoDa, and I tasted some of their delicious sweet potato salad. That's the first time I've ever had it -- anywhere. It was so delicious that I wanted to know the ingredients so I can make that tasty dish at home.
I emailed the restaurant to ask what were the ingredients they used in the salad.
Here's my email to Amelie's:
I ordered some of your sweet potato salad yesterday and thought it was delicious! Could you tell me -- what do you put in it, other than sweet potatoes?
Here's the response from a nice lady named Stephanie:
Hi Alicia, the ingredients are: sweet potatoes, mayo, balsamic vinegar, celery, red onions. Good luck and happy cooking! :)
My response:
Oh, happy day! Thank you for that. I will make the meal this weekend. :-)
Look for a picture of my try at Ameilie's-style sweet potato salad.
Here's my picture:
My version of Amelie's sweet potato salad |